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  前列腺炎是泌尿外科的常见病,在泌尿外科男性患者50岁以下中占首位。1995年NIH制定了一种新的前列腺炎分类方法,I型:相当于传统分类方法中的急性细菌性前列腺炎,Ⅱ型:相当于传统分类方法中的慢性细菌性前列腺炎,Ⅲ型:慢性前列腺炎/慢性盆腔疼痛综合征,Ⅳ型:无症状性前列腺炎。其中非细菌性前列腺炎远较细菌性前列腺炎多见。 详细>>



MySQL Query : select mh.yyname from v9_member_hospital as mh left join v9_member as m on mh.userid=m.userid where mh.userid =(select md.parent_id from v9_member_doctor as md left join v9_member as m on md.userid=m.userid where md.userid=)
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1
MySQL Errno : 1064
Message : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1
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